what people say

Greg Gage, PhD
Neuroscientist and CEO of Backyard Brains
DIY Neuroscience
Programs like this are few and far between but I think they are on the leading edge... this is what we're going to see in the next decade. This is not something you normally see in school districts, this is something that's going to be brand-new and I think it will be replicated. I suspect this will be published, people are going to find out about this and be replicating this around the country.

Rob Thornell, Ed.D.
Former Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Northwest ISD
PICK Education is changing the lives of students daily. By moving seats from traditional classroom settings to more robust, authentic learning experiences, we have challenged teachers and engaged students in ways I never thought possible. Recently, two of our students who have been engaged with real medical research opportunities were awarded full four year scholarships at Southern Methodist University (SMU) to continue in bio-medical studies. Both students and the University noted the student experiences in PICK Education allowed them opportunities that placed them far ahead of their peers.

Evonne Maruffo
Elementary Teacher, ECISD
By bringing SharkFinder®... they can become more than their neighborhood or their situation. They're becoming part of the community of the world. That education opportunity is far grander than anything they're going to get out of a book