research collaborations
Bring these real world research collaborations into your classroom
or join a project as a student researcher.
For more information on these projects contact us at +1 (432) 456-0999.

stem cell and regenerative medicine
Contribute to ongoing research at Tulane University in Project STEM Cell™. Investigate stem cell biology for developing therapy applications to treat injuries or wounds. You will also be working to analyze tissue engineering used to regenerate organs or that uses pieces of tissues to transplant that may help treat injuries or diseases. You can also become a part of of this investigation in the CTE Bioengineering Practicum course.

human placenta characterization
Join the research team from Texas Tech Health Sciences as a student researcher contributing to placenta data collection. Assist research scientists fully characterize the placenta organ and its function. You can also become a part of of this investigation in the CTE Bioengineering Practicum course.

sharkfinder® elasmobranch citizen science
Become a paleontologist citizen scientist as you search through ancient marine sediment that date back millions of years. The marine sediment contains fossilized, shark, ray and skate teeth. And, if you make a scientifically significant discovery, you get the credit!

drosophila behavioral neuroscience
Assist the researchers at Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal) in small fruit fly behavioral neuroscience and decision making.

Foldit is an online puzzle video game about protein folding. The objective of Foldit is to fold the structures of selected proteins as perfectly as possible, using tools provided in the game. You can help scientists develop solutions to target and eradicate diseases and create biological innovations.

parasitized honeybee research
ZomBee Watch is a citizen science project tracking the honey bee parasite, Apocephalus borealis. Assist researchers from San Francisco State University determine where in North America the Zombie Fly Apocephalus borealis is parasitizing honey bees.

geoscience dual credit course
Start your journey towards a geology degree in this dual credit course with UT Permian Basin. Learn hands on through field trips and curate specimens with professors. Students will also have the opportunity to earn Texas Scholar hours and apply for internships.

syGlass + zSpace ar/vr for students with autism
syGlass provides the ability to experience data through virtual reality with the abilities of data visualization, object counting, tracing and tracking. zSpace combines elements of augmented reality and virtual reality to create life-like experiences that are immersive and interactive. Students with autism will be able to participate in this AR/VR setting to learn life skills and participate in research projects.

pollen and air quality
Collaborate with the research team at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin on local pollen analysis.

Foldscope gives students the opportunity to magnify curiosity. Students may use the kits to collect samples, prepare slides, explore advanced microscopy techniques and more!

electron microscopy
Join the Bock Lab in creating images of a small fruit fly brain through electron microscopy to further studies in drosophila neuroscience.

backyard brains DIY neuroscience
The brain is complex, but extremely fascinating. Backyard Brains needs more people interested in studying the brain because 1 in 5 people are likely to develop a neurological disorder... and there are no cures! Work with Do-It-Yourself neuroscience kits and experiment with electrophysiology.

neuroscience research and design course
Neuroscience Research and Design includes real world research regarding current trends in the field of neuroscience. This course includes an in-depth investigation about the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as well as the opportunity to manipulate live data and report findings. This course will include: problem identification, investigation design, data collection, data analysis, formulation, and presentation of the conclusions.

student spaceflight experiments program (ssep)
As a student researcher you are able to design and propose real microgravity experiments to be conducted by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. You will also have the opportunity to present your experiment proposal at the national SSEP conference among peers, astronauts, engineers, researchers and other scientists.