what is PICK Education®?

network of partners
PICK Education® is made up of a network of partners, cross curricular lessons, data collection and opportunities for professional development.
The PICK Education® collaborative consists of school districts, universities, businesses and institutes.

data collection
PICK Education® students and teachers contribute data to various fields of research and technology, such as human health, neuroscience and paleontology, just to name a few.
This contribution provides students an opportunity to retain ownership of their education.

cross curricular
PICK Education®experiences meet curriculum
standards and are vertically aligned. PICK Education® classrooms provide blended curricular opportunities, demonstrating that content such as math, science, language arts, reading, and social studies are not independent from one another.
Participating schools become an extension of a
university, college, business or institute.

professional development
PICK Education®provides authentic learning
engagements for educators including outdoor
exploration and hands on learning with researchers and scientists. Opportunities to attend presentations by world-renowned professionals are also offered.